The Mezzaselva/Mittewald tunnel is a road tunnel 624m long, built in the ’70, under the management of Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, on the Brennero Statal Road SS12, north of Mezzaselva (between 493,00km and 493,624km, Fortezza). The road tunnel was subject to a radical intervention of rehabilitation. Here under the intervention works are listed:
Milling of the surface of the tunnel;
Waterproofing with PVC membranes together with a textile-non-textile;
Application of shotcrete on the piers;
Coating of the Tunnel invert with shotcrete;
Final coating of the tunnel;
Substitution of facilities (illumination, SOS stations, traffic lights, video-surveillance system, etc.);
Mapei UTT supplied to the contractor Unirock Srl the following products: MAPEQUICK AF 1000, alkali-free liquid accelerator for shotcrete and MAPECOAT W HRI, two-component epoxy paint with low dirt retaining surface and high reflectance.